Patients & Visitors
Visitation hours: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
To help protect patients, providers, employees and community, the following general patient visitation guidelines apply:
Open visitation is allowed for non-isolation patients.
Non-isolation visitors will:
- Be free of COVID-19 symptoms.
- Wear the appropriate protective equipment as instructed by hospital staff and signage.
Isolation Allowable Visitors Include:
- Isolation patients are allowed TWO visitors for the duration of the patient's hospital stay. The designated visitors may visit once per day during posted visitation hours. The designated visitors will be issued an orange armband to be worn at all times.
Isolation Visitors Will:
- Wear their own mask while in the hospital regardless of vaccination status.
- Be free of COVID-19 symptoms.
- Wear the provided personal protective equipment (PPE) upon entering the patient room for the entire time of the visit, regardless of vaccination status.
- Follow social distancing guidelines and perform frequent hand washing.
- Not be allowed to come and go during visitation hours and must stay in patient's room.
- Please use the restroom prior to your visitation. ICU rooms do not have restrooms available for visitors.
- Please refer to CDC guidelines for appropriate protective personal equipment (PPE) for isolation areas.
- Please be kind and courteous to your loved one's care team as you may be asked to leave for staff to better care for our patients.
At Longview Regional Medical Center, we understand that coming to the hospital as a patient or as a loved one's support person can be a difficult, often overwhelming experience. Whether you're preparing for a hospital stay or stopping by to see friends and family, knowing where to go and what to bring will help make your visit less stressful. To make your experience easier, we want to provide you with helpful information you may need to plan your visit, such as what to expect, parking instructions, transportation and more.

Click here to view our Patient Guide.